love to chat

Focus Focus Focus... Not my strong point. Instead I enjoy life regardless of my focus.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Dream Giver addition

I started that post last night but I finished it this morning after I had what I wanted to say clear. If you have the chance go get that book, its a keeper. :) Have a great Thursday everyone in blog world I know I will. It's a great day to be alive.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Dream Giver

I was looking back over this amazing book and decide to blog about it today. I don't know if you have ever read it but if you haven't do it is life changing. I didn't always know what God wanted for my life and after I found it I thought okay it is smooth sailing from here on. Then I read this book and it is smoothe sailing but like I said yesterday his plans are bigger than mine. He continues to change and adapt what I am to do with this purpose he's given me here on earth and I am always amazed.
It talks about how just maybe if we don't do what we are supposed to on earth maybe it won't get done in the way it would have had we not gotten content. I mean like I love what I do, my job serves a purpose, I am moving forward with other rising opportunities and so I sometimes tend to relax or even maybe get lazy. Whenever I perk up and focus God moves my dream or purpose along a little farther and it gets a little bigger and often more challenging. UGH! However, the blessings that come from it get bigger as well. Not neccessarily me being blessed (although I am) but the people who I touch when God had led me there. It always shows how you meet up with the people who were doing what you will continue to do after they have gone. You know kind of like our elders. This person or persons that we meet maybe has advice on things we have or will encounter and a new way of seeing it. Not to mention becoming an elder in experiences to pass on as well.
Here is an example, I went to my son's school to teach them a little about Deaf Culture and some sign language as well. I went there just wanting to educate them and not have them afraid if they encounter a deaf person which they will in our school district. Well, it went well the kids learned, asked great questions, taught me a little and it was a great day. Then almost a year later a little girl comes up to me and asks if I can help her learn a little sign and she wanted books about it for Christmas and I don't know if she will ever become an interpreter but I know that with her interest a deaf person and maybe hearing people will be touched by her life. What I did to educate someone has possible watered a seed that God has placed in them. It was amazing I would have never dreamed that would happen. Now when we pass I always teach her a new sign and we can talk in the halls of school. It is God in the works.
The book also talks about some not to pleasurable experience they refer to as Border Bullies. These are the people or obstacles in our life that are set up to make us stumble no matter how unintentional. They can be friends, parents, strangers or anything but you will know who they are in your life if you read it when it gives the descriptions.
I don't want to give away the end but I will say it taught me what I had to do in order for God's plan to excel in my life and what my perspective had to be in order to be successful. I have a long way to go but I am finally moving again out of the desert.
So,let the Dreams Begin to be all that you Dream God don't be limited by my perspective.

God Works Fast

Today was incredible. An answer to prayer, through the little ones at the elementary school. Just yesterday I was talking about how we all need to be bold and stand up for God and then today at my son's school they had to do a thing called "Penny Arcade" and they tell about the person who inspires them or their heros something to that effect. There were many people both old and young represented there. Including people like Rosa Parks, Dr. Phil etc. The kids pretend like they are that person, dress like them, and then tell who they are through research about that person, and then they bring props as well etc.
Here is the amazing part. Two kids chose to be Jesus. One was a girl and she actually was an angel who told us about who Jesus was and about the resurrection and the other was a boy who took on that role. You pay a penny to a cup and the give you the short biography. I stopped in wonderment at WOW, the school is allowing these kids to talk about Jesus to anyone who wants to hear and even at all in this crazy time.
More then that, I stopped and looked around and no offense, but no one was there acting like Allah or Joseph Smith, Buddha or any of the other religios icons, but Jesus!!! How wonderful.
I guess even better than talking about and standing up for Christ in schools, is our next generation our future of prophets, healers, etc. are doing it for themselves. (If you give a man a fish he eats for a day if you teach him he will eat for a lifetime) Parents are teaching their kids to be bold in their beliefs, and encouraging 8 year old kids (in the case) to talk about Jesus. I was so excited and grateful about how quickly God is beginning to answer my prayers, or maybe lighten my load knowing that it is happening and I can do my part, but not stress over others because God has it all under control. Yes, I sometimes forget that. I know it in my head but my heart won't let things go and just listen.
This is just one more case that God is showing me that my prayers are good but he wants even more than that for me and limiting him and his control only hurts me. I always know when his will is at work things are gonna happen and it will be bigger than I ever imagined. Thank you God for showing me what I needed to see, giving me peace in my heart and a goal in my home!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Speak Out!

Why is it if we were in church and God gave us a world we would speak up in front of everyone to spread God's news, yet when they ask us not to pray in schools we just concede. Why can't Christians be kind and gracious and still be bold? Maybe other people do and have it mastered and this year I am improving but this is so on my heart. We have to quit sitting back afraid to make a wave, therefore we don't even make a ripple. This started this year when my daughter was told she had to argue Creationism without using the words "Creator, God, Our Maker, etc" you get the idea. I started arguing with the teacher and I said had I known you were starting this unit I would have said it was against my religion to do it, like every other nationality and religion gets to do. As a Christian I think I should have the right to be offended (for lack of better words) and not allow my child to study this evolution. I was amazed at the emails and responses I got and in the end she was allowed to argue it and her argument was good. Did she win? No because God isn't science and this was a science class so she couldn't win. I told her if it happens again she needs to argue evolution via the Bible. Things adapt yes but I am not a Monkeys Uncle or Aunt for that matter and I don't want my kids being told they are, and worse that it is a fact. UGH! We have got to stand up and fight for the Christian rights in schools, buses, public places we were founded on this here in this country it is time we give credit where credit is due!
Just a soap box I climbed on today because I feel like too often I am convinced by myself and others that if I am a "good Christian" I won't cause problems and the Lord is showing me talking about him isn't the problem it is when we don't that the problems start and worsen. So let's all speak up and fight for the God who we believe in and who believes in us!
Speak OUT! Kindly yes but firmly too!

Monday, April 24, 2006

When to say no!

Another Monday and a million things to do. You ever have one of those years or lives rather where you know you are too busy to do it and your head says no, but dang that mouth for saying sure what time do you need me? That is my story. I was off today to set up a local art show that I volunteered for and if I wasn't working part-time I would love to do but I do work and I really wanted the day off for me. This entire week is crazy.
I was a stay at home mom for 12 years the crazy thing was I decided stay at home mom was an oxymoron because I was never home. Now I think my goal is to do that again for awhile hoping to have a little free time and save on gas etc and just do my job on a subbing basis. However, I have to learn to get my nouth and head on the same page and say no sometimes.
The day did go smooth and the girls I worked with are all Christians making it an enjoyable 8 hours (yes you heard me right 8 hours) just to set it up. However, I came home to a house with more work to do and I feel so overwhelmed I can't figure out where to start. There is so much to do and I don't think I am managing my time well. I can't even remember if I cancelled a doctors appointment. I have that ADD brought on by children email I am sure you have all read. Okay so where am I going with all this. HMMM...I know I had a goal in mind.
Oh yes for my life to slow down I pray I can find that even keel place where I am still and hear what it is God wants me to do instead of trying to be everyone's angel to the rescue. I know when I slow down I think and I feel and I work better but I always forget to put that on the things to do list. So tell me how do you all manage to do it? You know manage a house, a career, a blog, friendships, and just life in general not to mention the driving of children, school volunteer work and still stop and listen. I have quiet time like I know I NEED! Still I am not sure I am being disciplined like God would have me to be. There has to be a way to make this all work and still feel rested. Sometimes I think I stay this busy to avoid the things I should deal with. You know that down time I talked about the other day. I am afraid if I sit still I will find out something else needs me or maybe someone else and what if I can't fit them in too? I am not worrying because I don't have time, but you get the idea. I need to get organized and set priorities how does everyone else do it? Give me ideas and I will try it because my way is making me weary. I love that everyone gets what they need at the end of the day but I think I forgot I have needs as well.
That is why I don't right here often I feel like such a downer especially lately I want to lift people up not pull them down. I really am upbeat but I don't sound like it hopefully over the next few weeks as school lets out I will be the normal me, but still I will need this advice so fill me in if you have a verse, an idea or some way to slow down I would love to hear it.
Happy day!

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Interesting how my sister who fervently asks me if I blogged this week never shows on the weekend when I have the easiest time to blog and the most to blog about usually.
It is Sunday morning and I remember as a kid how Satan was always on the prowl on Sunday mornings seeing which person or obstacle he could use as his tool. I decided when I grew up and really even more over the past 2 years that I wil not be that tool. I won't be yelling and hurting people on the way to church or on the way home. I will use this day for my family since we are all God's children.
We get up early get ready, go to breakfast and go to church and I love how I feel on this day. I always say Friday is my favorite day and in many ways it is but Sunday's are wonderful as well (too bad Monday follows). I think this week is going to be a good one. As the school year is coming to an end soon and I have so many things to do, I pray that I am only God's tool and never even a broken tool for Satan. I hope that when he looks at me he says, "what a waste she doesn't ever fall for the traps I set." I also pray he knows it isn't my strength that keeps me from it but from the promises God gave me that make me useless in the evil realm and courageous in the the spiritual realm. I want to model for my kids so they never know those awful Sunday mornings when Satan controlled even our God set time. Please Lord help me see the good in the bad that he tried to set. Don't let me fall and if I do help me up so I don't stay down. AMEN!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Small world

I was in touch with an old friend last night. Well, really my friend was her sister but she died this last summer and so I talk to her sister often now. She was the little sister who always told on us. interesting we never learned though because we did stuff in front of her knowing she would tell. HA! Reminds me of my crazy kids.
I want to share the story because I guess I need to put it in writing to pass through some of it maybe. This girl and I were friends since grade two or three it has been so long I can't really remember exactly. We lost contact after I moved from Colorado still God's hand was in it one day and when walking out of a conventient store in my new town she was there and saw me and the conversatoins began again. We were friends through the birth of our children, marital troubles etc. She was one of those people I didn't talk to everyday but when we chatted it was like we had talked yesterday.
Her husband suffered from alcoholism and on Memorial day he killed himself they ruled it an accident because there was so much alcohol in his system they said they can't be sure he meant to do all those drugs. however, he had recently been in a mental health institution that he set himself on fire in and so the family believed it was suicide. I don't know what I think he was selfish I think if he knew he was going to die he would have done it in her driveway so get revenge. Revenge for what? Well she was working with AA who said when he was drunk he couldn't stay with her so she sent him away that fateful day when he came by because he was drunk he looked at their 14 year old son and said this is the last time you will see me alive. Something he said frequently in his drunken stupers. She kept saying she was going to divorce him she couldn't handle it, he was tearing her up but she knew the reason she felt this was because she still loved him. Then last year on Memorial day he died.
Now my friend had tremendous guilt, along with health problems that she was takng various pain pills herself (unbeknown to me) I knew she took them on occasion I did not know that she was also addicted, along with Mariuana (sp) then the doctors gave her more things to help her sleep and wake up etc. After all that she and her son were going through her mom ended up in the hospital with what they thought was cancer. I talked with her on the pohne and told her I was here for her, I fought cancer myself and I knew that things can happen and it was probably treatable and just wait. Her mom was unconscious for days but did come out of it and it wasn't cancer it was virus or something like that. In the meantime the was about 6 weeks after her husbands death she was very depressed. I told her I would call her after my families 50th wedding anniversary. I started to call her on Sunday but decided to wait I guess because I didn't want to be interupted by the kids in the car etc. I really don't know but I called her all day on Monday and never got an answer. Then that afternoon I got my state results on my interpreting exam and my level didn't go up (very depressing) and the day passed by I tried to call to cry to her and talk to her but never could reach her.
The next morning my parents called my husband to tell him that her mother was fine now and home from the hospital I felt a lot of relief. However we play this game I have good news and bad news like...the good news is we have an Ark the bad news is the world is going to flood. You get the idea, well if her mom being home was the good news what was the bad news it ( I thought it is worse than cancer) and I was told then that she had shot herself in the head. She died almost instantly which was why I couldn't reach her she did this Sunday night. Two adults left a 14 year old son with no one (well he had his aunt and grandmom but he wanted a parent). I quickly realized my test was nothing. I cried for about 6 months off and on, my life went on because it has too and I know new my father in heaven would bring me peace. The peace is sometimes like a balloon I let go of like right now as I approach her one year of death and the little sister who told on us calls to tell me how much she misses her. The boy ran away and is in a boys home now.
Well here is the upbeat part of the story I told my other friend that she had to get her alcoholic husband help to save herself, him and the kids. She confronted him and although it is a daily battle he is trying most the time. It is better then before and that boy is in a home in the same state as that girl and she works in a different home but has many Christian connections where he is and I know his live will get better. His story is already helping others and God brought all of us together in this great big world. First it tells me how good he is and second it tells me how small this great big world is.
I am sad today, but I know that the Joy comes in the morning. PTL! I hope teling someone on here about this story they will know suicide isn't the answer and that if they want to you only have to remember the joy will come in the morning so start looking for it now and hole on to that balloon of hope that carries you over these tough times because letting go of it you will fall and although God catches us the people left here feel your fall. Everyone has someone to love them if we will only ask. Sorry for the sad story but hopefully it will speak to who it is meant too.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

God Can you hear me now?!

I am having one of those weeks where I wonder if God can even hear me. I would probably know if I would be still and listen for him, but it seems like when I need to be still the most I have the most difficulty doing it. I have been fighting for one of my kids rights all week at school. I lost one of the battles and you always have to wonder will they still treat her right? I have been asking God to give me peace or reveal why I shouldn't have it so I can deal with things I need too but I just don't think I have a response.
I know God is good and he loves the kids even more than me. I also know he has intrusted me with them and wants me to train them and protect them and raise them to be believers true. It is so hard to not be able to stop their pain especially when they are going the right way, it is just the wrong people are seeing it. I don't understand why teachers need to tear down students in order to build themselves up. I don't want to understand it I want to change it. I have these great plans and dreams and yet I feel like sometimes they are just that..."DREAMS!" How can one person change the world.
I know Jesus did and has and still is, but why is what to do so hard to answer? I know this thing is a downer today but I fel down I feel like the harder I try the worse I make things. I feel good about the way I handle something (well God handles it through me) then I begin to doubt it all. I am so glad he is still God on the good and bad days because I sure need a friend and I am glad I have him.
So I will wait and wonder...God can you hear me now??? What do I do next?